Toronto Fashion Week Day 1

toronto fashion week
toronto fashion week
toronto fashion week
I don't travel enough to be good at packing. The only objective I know is to bring everything I can't live without - in a tote bag that is. It doesn't help that I overslept and had to rush to make it to my first show. 

I didn't make the Demoyo show. There was my incompetences and that of public transportation and the rainy weather. It's the perfect recipe if you ever want to be late. Instead, I asked my friend, who too, was going to a prior show and missed it. I was trying to salvage the situation but being imcompetence seemed to be going around. The lady at one of the many reception desk told my friend the wrong show time. He missed the show as he was killing time at a restaurant. 

I was texting him as I looked around for a bank in the rain. Apparently a debit card was something I couldn't live without. A bag of toiletries, clothes and Prada brogues ? Inconceivable. But a debit card or cash? Whatever... I wish. I lose logic when rushed apparently. I'll spend two hours to head downtown for fashion but not care enough to get my shit together. 

Thankfully, my friends are the better parts of me. They allowed me to stay at their place during fashion week to spare me the grueling travel.  Also they asked if I wanted to order pizza. Theyre the best.

After dropping my stuff I was finally off to the shows. I got to Evan Bidell's show and it was animal motif galore - raunchy and wild. The models revolved around the runway multiples times. Just like I would the following days.

I wanted to go to an after party but all my friends are responsible and had mid terms and school things to do. Instead of rubbing shoulders with people I don't know,  I went back to my friends' place; we had said pizza and watched X Factor. It was the better after party.

Check out more photos after the jump:

toronto fashion week
toronto fashion week
toronto fashion week
toronto fashion week
toronto fashion week
toronto fashion week

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