Look What I Found On The Internet Part 1

Introducing Look What I Found On The Internet!

Like I hinted on Twitter, I was adding a new weekly feature on JERRLIFE. Often, I stumble upon 'cool stuff' online as we all do and never really get to share it. I figured why not share some notable things on JERRLIFE? This blog is about obsessions and I think this would be a great addition. I hope you discover something new and enjoy them as much I do!

Miss Understanding is a documentary that takes a look at how much of an impact and influence media have on women. These documentaries are always eye opening and make us more aware of the issue at hand. So check out the trailer at least. Like Gail Mcinnes said "Anyone involved in media/advertising should watch this."

Especially if you're a feminist.

If you didn't know, Men's Fashion Week was this week (now you know). Fashion Week is always an exciting time as all the most influential brands show us what we'll be wearing for next season with their latest collections. One of the blogs I like to check out is Justin's blog. He's a friend of mine and I always look forward to reading his perspective.  .

Plus he's a model. Who else enjoys irony? 

Ever since I started this blog, I have discovered a new found love for writing. I suppose it's the marriage of technical skills and the artistry that go behind writing that I'm attracted to. If you feel somewhat the same or care to find out why I like writing you must read William Faulkner's Nobel Prize Speech. In it, Faulkner describes the importance and purpose of writing in such a poetic way. It's inspiring and have made me appreciate the art form of writing even more.

Favourite Shit Say Videos
On a lighter note, here are my favourite versions of the the latest viral phenomena. For anyone who like fashion Shit Fashion Girls Say is hysterically relateable and capture the extravagant characters in fashion. While Shit Birds Say is short but every one must see the ending. That is all I'm going to say.

 "A Cerulean shirt is an absolute must have for this incredible season of the surfer." What's wrong with this sentence? Read this insightful analysis piece by Sarah Nicole Prickett to find out. It discusses the transparency of words in fashion and how it is even affecting the English language. From hyperbole to empty adjectives it's a plea for every one to stop being excessive with mindless words.

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